Home is where the heart is…
That saying will be put to the test like never before, over coming weeks and months. Almost overnight our daily routines and working lives have been turned on their head.
Yesterday our issues were in the midst of hustle and bustle which included things like getting ready for work, doing the school runs, what to eat for lunch, meeting & greeting, going to the gym, preparing dinners, getting home works done, plans for the evening.
Today we are very much focused on stopping the spread of a harmful virus.
We have been advised by Government and National Health Service, the best way to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) if for most people to stay at home and stop all non-essential travel.
Now the term Netflix and Chill has taken on a whole new meaning, and we can now be thankful (hopefully) for those speedy internet connections.
To some the thought of staying indoors might have originally seemed like an unwanted sentence, but with a little inspiration in our surroundings we can make the lock down as enjoyable as possible.
Here are some essential homepage ideas to make the most out of your time in lock down.
Let you’re home turn a page
So, we are all pretty much reserved to the fact we will be spending a lot of time at home for a while, so why not have a little fun. Make each room take on a different meaning.
It has been advised by many professionals to try stay active during these times for both your physical and mental health. Try turning the living room into your early morning work out zone.
Why not try daily P.E. with Joe for all age groups.
Turn the bathroom into a spa zone, where you can disappear (if only for an hour) from the world and social media.
If you are working from home, turn the spare room into a makeshift office. Always try to stick to your normal routine when working from home which includes working hours and regular breaks. This will maintain your productivity.
Stop by the kitchen / dining room in the evening which can be known as your new local restaurant.
We strongly advise against turning any room into your new local watering hole as this could get extremely messy (Always drink responsibly)
Tidy as you go
To most households this goes without saying, however don’t let holiday mode creep in.
It is of the upmost importance (now more than ever) to keep the castle shining.
This is an essential ingredient for the state of mind required during this period.
Not only will you find living in the spotless environment enjoyable, but it will give you a daily sense of satisfaction while you are chilling, working, playing with the kids or catching up on the news.
Initially this might not seem like an important factor, but it will go a long way in keeping family relaxed and the environment stress free.
Remember – Make your bed every morning.
Say hello to outside
If you are fortunate enough to have some outdoor space, should that be a garden or even just a balcony you can use it to really enjoy this difficult time.
We have benefited from some lovely weather in Northern Ireland over the last week and its only going to improve coming into Spring.
Why not organise a garden picnic or an outdoor event for everyone to look forward to?
Or simply open up a book and relax.
Unplug from the outside world
There’s a lot going on at the minute and the fear of the un-known is adding to people’s anxiety.
While it is ok to keep up with the latest information available, it’s as equally as important switch off regularly.
It is important not to focus on what external issues we cannot control but be positive in the fact that everyone within your household is doing their small bit by staying indoors.
Schedule your down time and reduce your visibility of clocks. Losing the concept of time can be relaxing, just like when you’re on holiday. Even just for a few hours.
Turn off Social – Get away from the digital noisy environment that has constant news updates which generate endless threads of individual opinions (sometimes not always positive)
Doing this regularly can really boost a positive state of mind.
These are extremely worrying and trying times for everyone. It is essential however to only focus on the things we can control.
We should all be proud to help our NHS deal with the current situation by adhering strictly to all guidelines.
Life has been moving at an unhealthy pace recently. Now is a perfect time to stop, reflect and take stock of where things are in terms of our family and home life.
Recharge those batteries and make those simple adjustments, on-going, that you have now been forced to do.
Thank you
Although all our lives have been put on hold, here at Homepage we would like to thank all front-line workers in their efforts in dealing with this world wide pandemic. These include all doctors, nurses, health & care workers, pharmacists, food producers, delivery drivers and shop workers to name but a few.
Thank you